Thursday, February 12, 2009

Translation please

A favorite thing for me about moving across the country every other year is learning the language. The Midwest is endearing because they don't know they have aaaaacents. My co-workers in Cleveland taught me all about tree-lawns. Faaascinating.

The South is different though. They know they have accents, and I believe they turn them off and on at will. I haven't gotten to know a lot of southerners since I stay home and a lot of my friends happen to be native westerners. We meet some people every once in a while whose accents we really enjoy, like the repairmen at our apartment complex who talks like Forrest Gump. A man at church once played "Pee Paw" instead of "Peek-a-boo" with our boys. Funny.

But sometimes words have really different meanings. Once my college roommate from New Jersey called a guy skanky. I immediately explained what it meant out west and she assured me it wasn't what she was trying to say.

Last night we learned another term for "Binky" (I know, it's a funny word for pacifier) that was so shocking I can't even repeat it on my blog because I want it to stay PG in western terms. All I can say is I learned the word in high school when Limp Bizcuit came out with a song that repeated it over and over. I'm not a Limp Bizcuit fan, seriously I don't think I even spelled that right, but I did go to high school. It was impossible not to hear that stupid song.

But it made me wonder how appropriate my speech is here in the south. Could I be offending everyone without realizing it. I like to think my accent is neutral, but lots of people have told me they like my accent. Huh? What are they hearing. Yikes!


jax from the harmon squad said...

Have you had your hat called a toboggan yet? That one really threw me. And I love how shopping carts are buggies.

Natalie said...

There is always a debate about if David has an accent or not. I think yes, even though he was raised up north, he has adopted a NC accent.