Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Po' Boys' Snow Shoe

Last Saturday morning found us once again with six inches of snow and no snow shoes for the boys. Zach went to Wal-mart, but there was nary a boot to be found. So we improvised.

Turns out Collin is a mountain goat in the snow, but I had to pry Grants arms off my neck after our brief outing.  For an Ohio baby, he is a bit of a weather wimp. But so am I.


Caroline said...

Wow. that's a switch in personality.

andrea said...

Ha ha. Have you read Glenn Beck's The Christmas Sweater? Similar snow shoes play an important role. :)

jax from the harmon squad said...

I would do that to my shoes in gym class one year. I had it first period and we'd go outside into the grass, which was still wet. After a day or two of yummy-smelling shoes my friend and I started wearing bags over them to avoid the mildew smell. Glad it works in the snow too! We don't have snow boots either, but thankfully about a year ago I gave in and bought Max some Lightning McQueen rain boots he really wanted and they're prefect for snow!

Sawyers Family said...

I love those boots! That's such a great idea...we'll have to do that the next time it snows. Which, honestly, I hope it doesn't do again until NEXT winter!

Natalie said...

Great idea! I should have done that to my own shoes.

Katie said...

That's a great idea. Seeing how it only snows here maybe once a year, that would save us a bunch of money! It's not like anybody will notice...the white bags will blend in with the white snow.