Friday, January 14, 2011

Visiting an old friend

After the wedding, we went to Lewiston for Thanksgiving. I forgot how uniquely beautiful Idaho is. Driving from Boise to Lewiston is my favorite scenic drive, and I have driven a lot of roads in this country. A lot. Driving from Rexburg to Boise is one of my least favorite drives. It gives me highway hypnosis.
In Lewiston, we got to visit with a dear old friend of mine ... my college car! It is in good hands, but I sure do miss it. One time it died on me while I was driving from Boise to Lewiston. No hard feelings, ok Bimmer?

P.S. This is northern Idaho, but snow in Lewiston at Thanksgiving is unusual. You're just going to have to trust me on that one. And accept that that is the reason I didn't bring any socks. Brrr.

P.P.S. We also got to visit some great friends and family in Lewiston, and I love them even more than my college car. But I didn't take any pictures of them. Actually, Zach was the only one taking pictures because I still had jet lag. It took me about a week and a half to align myself with Pacific Coast Time. I think this might mean I am getting old.


shelley said...

haha old lady! yes, you look happy and FREEZING in this picture.

your writing style always makes me laugh. i just love it!

B said...

i love that car. so many good memories.